The Third Places Climate Manifesto
Who we are?
We are European citizens familiar with third places. Third places are common spaces that citizens frequent freely, because they enable us to enjoy an open and convivial daily sociability, characterized by the expression and circulation of ideas. We are attached to these places because we work in them, we manage them or simply because we frequent them regularly, as “regulars”.
At the same time, we are citizens seeking to provide a common, concrete and consistent response to the challenge of climate change, which concerns us all. Our premise is that our commitment and actions in favor of the climate can take root and even flourish in our third places. Our aim is to make the fight against climate change a key issue in our bistros, our parks, our public libraries, our neighborhood markets, our retirement clubs, our hair salons…
What do we do?
Within our “community of practice”,, we have opened three “worksites”, which we link together. Our exchanges and collaborations enable us to:
- transform our third places into “climate third places”, i.e. spaces where our teams and users have the opportunity to co-create and co-experiment innovative Climate Change Education activities;
- use an “appreciative approach” in our third-places to design Climate Change Education activities that are human-centered, i.e. empathetic, rewarding, attentive to the quality of the learning experience perceived and lived by our teams and users.
- create and share “Open Educational Resources” between third places, capable of renewing Climate Change Education, by decompartmentalizing it from formal education (schools, colleges, universities) and disseminating it in the informal spaces of Europeans’ daily lives (i.e. third places).
We invite you to join us!
We invite you to join us!
To better understand the reasons that led us to launch our three “worksites“, you can consult the following articles:
If you’d like to be informed or contribute to our initiatives and projects, which aim to develop climate education and action in European third places, let us know here!