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Martina Leigheb

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About Martina Leigheb

Curiosity and sensitivity towards the world have always guided me, leading me to choose a career in international cooperation. After experiences in faraway countries, I felt the urge to contribute, in my own small way, to my local community. With A Sud, I found a space where care and ecology come together in the fight for climate and social justice. Adventures nourish me and deep relationships with human and non-human beings are my source of healing. Theatre is my favourite form of expression.

Posts by Martina Leigheb:


This website is developed within the project “Tiers-Lieux climatiques. L’Education au Changement climatique centrée sur l’Humain” (Climate Third-Places. Human-centered Climate Change Education), implemented by REPER21 (Romania) in partnership with Canopée (France) and A SUD (Italy), with funding from the Erasmus+ program.

The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.