Bogdan Gioară
Climate change, loss of biodiversity, destruction of ecosystems, depletion of natural resources are symptoms. If we want to stop the pain, we must treat the chronic diseases behind them. The diagnosis is clear: extractivism, financial speculation, productivism and consumerism. Can we cure ourselves of them? Of course, and if you know me, you also know the therapy I promote. It is The Buen Vivir! And the “natural” places for the materialization of Buen Vivir in our society are Third Places.
Bogdan Gioară
- “Palazzo De Leo”, un Luogo Terzo a Frigento - Dicembre 26, 2024
- Cubo Libro e Piazza Mengaroni: dove comunità e azione climatica si incontrano - Dicembre 26, 2024
- Laboratori di autoproduzione per parlare di clima: l’esempio della Riserva del Lamone - Novembre 18, 2024